07.03.2024 / THURSDAY
Today's word :
JUDGES 20:18-25
In this passage, the Lord tells the people of Israel to go to war against Benjamin. When they cried out to the Lord, He answered them and ordered them to go to war. But they went to war and lost twice. But the third time they inquired of the Lord and got His advice and made a plan and implemented it. Then the Lord gave them victory. What we learn from this is that it is not enough for us only to ask the Lord about something. If we investigate and do it without any plan, it will be failure. We should inquire from the Lord and think about it and make a proper plan and implement it. We should seek wisdom from the Lord to make those plans. Just as the Lord gave victory to the people of Israel when they implemented plans with His counsel, He will make things happen for us as well..
Prayer point:
Pray for all people to know the will of God and plan accordingly.