30.12.2023 / SATURDAY
Today's word :
ISAIAH 32:17
"The fruit of that righteousness will be peace; its effect will be quietness and confidence forever."
We must walk in the way of righteousness like the Lord. We must follow the commandments He has given us. We should follow all the advice He gives us. Do not deviate from the path of righteousness to the right or to the left. God will be with us only if we walk in the path of righteousness. He will show us the way we should walk. Works of righteousness bring us only peace. It gives us free mind and happiness. Fills us full of joy. The fruit of justice is the life of contentment. The Lord will give us long days as a result of righteousness. He will bring peace to our children's children. Upto a thousand generations will He remember our righteousness and have mercy on us.
Prayer point:
Pray for all people to walk in the way of righteousness like the Lord Jesus.