23.11.2023 / THURSDAY 
Today's word :
‭‭ISAIAH‬ ‭1:16‬ 
"Wash and make yourselves clean. Take your evil deeds out of my sight; stop doing wrong."
            We must turn away from our sins. We should be hate and leave them. Do only holy things. Never do things that offend God. We must purify ourselves completely. Our sins are cleansed by His blood when we believe in Him. His blood washes away all sins and cleanses us. We must purify our actions. All our actions should glorify His name. Our spirit, soul, and body must be kept holy. One should be away from doing evil. Do only good things. Living holy should be the aim of our life. When we turn away from our sins and surrender to Him, He will forgive our sins and help us live a holy life.

Prayer point:
            Pray for all people to turn away from all the sins and live a holy life.